Best FD Interest Rate: Once again the hopes of cheap loans were dashed. Reserve Bank of India did not make any changes in the interest rates. People were hoping that RBI would give relief on cheap loans till the repo rate was cut, but this did not happen. The loan may not have become cheap, but today we are going to tell you about those banks where you get the highest interest on the deposit amount. Generally, where FDs get 6 to 7 percent interest, these banks give you an interest rate of 9.5 percent on the deposit amount. You can make a lot of money on the deposit amount in these banks. FD, which has always been considered the safest investment, is getting interest at the rate of 9.5 percent.
Unit Small Finance Bank
Instead of big banks, small banks are offering bumper returns on FDs. Unity Small Finance Bank is one of them, which gives you 9.5 percent interest on a 1001-day deposit. While common citizens get 9 percent interest on deposits of this tenure, senior citizens get 9.5 percent interest.
North East Small Finance Bank
North East Small Finance Bank gives you a maximum interest of 9.5 percent on deposits of 1111 days. While general citizens get 9 percent interest on this deposit, senior citizens get a maximum interest of 9.5 percent. At the same time, this bank gives up to 7 percent interest on one-year deposits.
Suryodaya Finance Bank
Suryodaya Finance Bank is offering up to 9.15 percent interest on 2-year FDs. While general citizens get 8.65 percent interest on FDs of this tenure, senior citizens are getting 9.15 percent interest.
Shivalik Small Finance Bank
While this bank is offering 8.55 percent interest to general citizens on deposits of 18 months to 24 months, it offers 9.05 percent interest to senior citizens. Let us tell you that in every bank, senior citizens get more interest than general people.
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank
Utkarsh Small Finance Bank gives bumper returns on FD. On deposits of 2 to 3 years, this bank gives 8.5 percent interest to general citizens, while senior citizens are being offered 9.10 percent interest.