Chennai/New Delhi. BJP's Tamil Nadu chief Annamalai has taken such a vow to oust the Stalin government in Tamil Nadu that the politicians there have lost their sleep. Annamalai, a former IPS officer, is upset because the police revealed the identity of the victim in the sexual harassment case of a student and the accused belonged to the DMK. During a press conference at Anna University, he made very serious allegations against the state government and the police.
The leader will give himself six lashes
On this occasion, expressing his anger, Annamalai first took off his slippers and declared that he will not wear slippers until the DMK government is not removed from power. Apart from this, he will whip himself six times outside his residence in Coimbatore and will fast for 48 days. During this time he will also visit the six holy shrines of Lord Murugan.
DMK member accused of sexual harassment
He made this announcement while speaking to the media during a protest against the lack of proper action against the culprits in the sexual harassment case of an Anna University student. Annamalai said that what could be bigger than the fact that the police did not even put the accused Gyanasekaran on their watch list. He is a habitual offender and is associated with the DMK. He said that Gyanasekaran is the co-convener of the DMK's Saidapet East region student union and has close relations with party leaders.
Police have released the name of the victim
The police leaked the FIR, which revealed the name of the victim. The FIR was written in such a way that the victim had to face embarrassment. Annamalai accused the DMK of doing North-South politics and said that the government is diverting attention from the real issues. He said that I spit on such politics which is working to divide the people instead of solving their problems.
Is the law only for the common man?
On December 23, a female student was with her male friend in the Anna University campus. During this time, the accused shot a video and blackmailed them. The accused also beat up the female student's friend. Annamalai wrote a post on X that due to his association with the DMK, the police are not taking strict action against the accused and a cover-up is being done. He has questioned CM Stalin whether the law is only for the common man. Why are the crimes of people connected to power being covered up?