On Saturday, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, Arvind Kejriwal, made quite a buzz by saying that Ramesh Bidhuri of BJP would be appointed as the party’s Chief Ministerial face for the coming Delhi Assembly elections. During a press conference, Kejriwal stated, “We are getting information that Ramesh Bidhuri’s name will be officially announced as the BJP CM face in the coming one or two days. I would like to praise Ramesh Bidhuri for becoming the CM candidate for BJP”.
The AAP leader continued to lambaste Bidhuri during a public address, claiming he would challenge him to an open debate about his tenure as a member of parliament. “Ramesh Bidhuri needs to be honest about what he has done for the development of Delhi during his time in the parliament. What does he see for Delhi as its future? Once his name gets officially announced there should a be a debate between his competitors of the BJP and others put forth by the AAP most relevantly the Chief Minister candidates for the people of Delhi.''
One Interaction That The Home Minister Amit Shah Now Markes For Election
BJP has gained momentum in Delhi elections winning all 7 Lok Sabha seats in 2019 and most recently winning 3 MCD seats. Ahmadi and Kejri forces stood no chance. And in reply to that Home Minister Amit Shah comments, I view it quite differently as in Or Delhi is rebutting, ‘Who can declare the BJP CM? Only the BJP can offer a serious benefit to Delhites, not Congress and the AAP-fold’.’
Each of them is pledging everything simply to please the vote bank sorting out how they will answer their constituencies at election time. Can Arvind Kejriwal for once name the CM face of BJP?" He further stated that “After the BJP goverment is formed in delhi, no any of the welfare scheme for the poor will be curtailed”.
Moreover, he asserted that “The gurantee of our all deals is Modi, itaiations Georgia promise all the best,” The BJP’s Delhi election manifesto will give “relief from all your problems.” The BJP has heard the suffering, the inconvenience and even the anger of the slum dwellers against the trust deficit,” she tackled Neera. “They have compiled all such difficulties and submitted to JP Nadda and PM Modi. The guarantees of Prime Minister Modi… The so-called anti-fraud manifesto of Aam Aadmi Party is AAP-Eda-di… We do not.
Talks on other key areas for the BJP elections.
On the other hand, the BJP Central Election Committee (CEC) meeting was held on Friday at the party headquarters to prepare for the February 5 elections to the Delhi assembly. Senior leaders like Prime Minister Modi, Home Minister Shah, Defence Minister Singh and other senior BJP leaders from Delhi were also present.
As per reports from ANI, the party is expected to release their final list on Saturday as nominees for remaining seats in Delhi were discussed during the talks.
The elections have been scheduled for February 5 and the results will be announced on the 8th.