Following a complaint of it using inaccurate summaries to its headlines, Apple has decided to update its AI tools, as reported by the BBC. BBC had raised a complaint last month regarding the AI features in the recent Apple iPhones which misrepresented a news alert regarding Luigi Mangione who allegedly killed Brian Thompson who worked for UnitedHealthcare. The summary claimed that Mangione had committed suicide which was false.
Apple’s intelligence, the AI tools that made headlines recently run into problems as well as they provided misleading reports of notifications regarding BBC Sports. One of the summaries presented indicated that Luke Littler had emerged champion at the World Darts Championship Final which was false as the event was still a few and hours away, and secondly it was falsely claimed that Rafael Nadal, the Spanish Tennis Player, was gay.
According to AI News, Apple Intelligence aims to help individual users provide the poor-user experience of missed notifications. Apple Intelligence enables AI algorithms to summarize forgotten notifications from different applications, and as a result, I think BBC was quite right in critiquing the tool as it stated on Monday, “These summaries by Apple do not reflect – and at times fully contradict – the original content of the BBC. Such slanderous twisting of facts must be dealt with by Apple with utmost seriousness as it affects the trust system when it comes to its news.”
Apple assured Broadcasting company that a software update will try to fix the tool in the coming weeks. They Also, made it clear to Broadcasting Movement, that said feature would be optional in use. “The summarization feature is voluntarily effectible and Apple Intelligence features are in beta and we are continuously making improvements with the help of user feedback,” stated Apple. “There are many practical aspects of using these new technologies. One of them is using such intelligence in hyperbole. In the next updates we will specify when this hyperbole is presented to the user. Do not be alarmed if the notification summary appears to be unexpected.”
Apple is not the only company facing this storm when it comes to AI tools.
Google has, however, been censured over the inaccuracies of some of its features, such as the AI Overviews function in the search results or the historical images produced by its image-creation tool. The deployment of generative AI tools by smartphone makers and tech companies is already majorly taking place, but the problem of accuracy still needs to be tackled.