New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party hit back at Arvind Kejriwal and said that Aam Aadmi Party convenor Arvind Kejriwal does not do what he says. In a press conference today, Sudhanshu Trivedi said that the biggest challenge today is the crisis of credibility. The general public thinks that Kejriwal does not fulfill what he says. BJP leader Shazia Ilmi alleged that Kejriwal changes colors like a chameleon.
Sudhanshu Trivedi said that the country also saw a strange constitutional example in 2024. When a Chief Minister ran the government while being in jail. Many CMs went to jail even before Kejriwal but at least Lalu Prasad Yadav had maintained so much dignity that he left the post. In 2024, such an astonishing and strange example was seen that even after going to jail, Kejriwal did not leave the CM post.
Kejriwal's strangeness is so amazing that it is difficult for anyone to understand. We want to remind that Aam Aadmi Party came with the idea of new politics. Today the biggest challenge is the crisis of credibility. The general public thinks that Kejriwal does not fulfill what he says. He had said that he will free the people from hanging wires. Even after being in power for more than 10 years, he could not solve the problem of hanging wires. People died due to coming in contact with them.