While giving a statement in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly, CM Yogi Adityanath had said that a Congress leader (Priyanka Gandhi Vadra) reached the Parliament House carrying a bag with Palestine written on it. He said, "UP youth are going to work in Israel. More than 5600 youth from UP have gone to work in Israel. Security is guaranteed. Recently the Israeli ambassador came and said that he would like to take more youth from UP with him, because they are really doing a great job. The world is now seeing the skill power of UP."
AIMIM MP attacked CM Yogi
Hyderabad MP and AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi has given a statement on this matter. Asaduddin Owaisi shared CM Yogi Adityanath's post on Twitter and wrote, 'The Indian government itself is advising Indians not to travel to Israel. It is a solid proof of the failure of the BJP's state and central governments that poor people are forced to go to places like Israel to work. If there were employment opportunities here, why would anyone go to Israel to work? Yogi can worship Israel as much as he wants, but still the maximum remittance to India comes from Arab countries.'
Priyanka Gandhi reached Parliament with a bag written Palestine
Let us tell you that Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi reached the Parliament House carrying a bag with Palestine written on it. There was a ruckus when Priyanka Gandhi reached the Parliament House carrying a bag with Palestine written on it. BJP has attacked Priyanka Gandhi over this. Union Minister SP Baghel said on this matter that Priyanka Gandhi has brought a bag with Palestine written on it to appease the Muslim vote. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Priyanka Gandhi has supported Palestine.