New Delhi. Even before the Congress session to be held in Belgaum, Karnataka, a ruckus has started. Actually, posters have been put up at various places in the city for the Belgaum Congress session, which have a map of India on them. The surprising thing is that Kashmir is missing from this map. BJP has now created a ruckus over this issue.
Congress sidelined
On the other hand, Congress has distanced itself from this issue after seeing it escalate. The party said that this is not the official banner of Congress. BJP called Congress Muslim League and said that Rahul's party does not consider Aksai Chin and POK as part of India. Amit Malviya has shared the poster on social media and written that the selection of Sonia Gandhi as the co-chair of the George Soros funded Forum of Democratic Leaders in Asia Pacific (FDL-AP) Foundation, which advocates Kashmiri independence, is not a coincidence.
Congress wants to break India
Amit Malviya further wrote that a distorted map of India has been put up on the hoardings of Congress at the Belgaum event. It has pictures of Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra among others and Kashmir has been shown as a part of Pakistan. This is not a mistake. Congress is the new Muslim League and it wants to break India again.