New Delhi. After coming out of jail in the liquor scam case, Arvind Kejriwal announced his resignation from the post of CM. Addressing his workers, Kejriwal said that he is resigning because corruption charges have been leveled against him. With this, Delhi will have a new CM after 10 years.
This leader will become the new CM of Delhi.
According to Aam Aadmi Party sources, the name of cabinet minister Kailash Gehlot is at the forefront of the race for the new CM. He can be made the new Chief Minister of Delhi. Kejriwal can bet on Kailash Gehlot for the Haryana elections. Najafgarh MLA Kailash Gehlot comes from a Jat family. Jats in Haryana are angry with the BJP. They came out on the streets in large numbers during the farmers and wrestlers' movement. In such a situation, Kailash Gehlot can prove to be a trump card for the Aam Aadmi Party.
Good bonding with LG
The second big reason for Gehlot being made the CM is his good relations with LG Vivek Saxena. When it came to Atishi hoisting the flag on Independence Day, LG put forward Ashok Gehlot's name. It is also being said that Gehlot is an expert in raising funds. Elections are going to be held in Delhi, in such a situation Gehlot can prove beneficial for Kejriwal.