Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav made a statement on several issues on the last day of 2024. His statement included the issues of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's Vietnam visit, the arrival of Vikram Samvat 2082 and celebrating 26 December as Children's Day. He also congratulated everyone on the English year 2025.
Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav expressed his views on the arrival of Vikram Samvat 2082 and said that this Samvat starts from Guddi Padwa and is known by the name of Emperor Vikramaditya. He said that I had come to Ujjain to make arrangements for various programs to be held on the Pravartan Divas of Vikramaditya. He said that this time Vikram Utsav will be very different.
Comment on Rahul's Vietnam visit
Rahul Gandhi is currently on a tour of Vietnam. Regarding this, Dr. Mohan Yadav said that it is unfortunate that Rahul Gandhi is in Vietnam, whereas he should have participated in the immersion of ashes of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. He said that if Rahul Gandhi had participated in this program, it would have increased his pride.
Statement on Children's Day on 26 December
Regarding celebrating Children's Day on December 26, Dr. Mohan Yadav said that in the true sense, Children's Day should have been celebrated on the day when the sons of Guru Gobind Singh had attained martyrdom.
Allegations against Congress regarding Baba Saheb
CM Mohan Yadav said that if Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has faced the most troubles in his life from any party, it has come from Congress. It has come through Rahul Gandhi and his Congress. His ancestors did not give as much trouble to anyone as they gave to Ambedkar. Ambedkar was not allowed to contest elections. He was not given his favorite ministry. His suggestions were regarding Article 370, Ambedkar had also opposed the partition of Pakistan, but when Ambedkar went to contest elections, Congress came forward and defeated him. All the troubles of Ambedkar came from Congress. Now Rahul Gandhi is trying to find a way to vote bank on the basis of elections. The public is wise. Congress has lost the third consecutive Lok Sabha election badly and its allies are also leaving it.