Driven by substantial festive demand, Mukesh Ambani led Reliance Industries, through its retail arm, Reliance Retail reported a gross revenue of 90,333 crores for the quarter of December, a growth of 8.75 percent year-on-year. As per a regulatory filing by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), the corporate profit after tax (PAT) surged to 3458 crores which is growth of 10 percent when compared to 3145 crores from the same time period last year.
Last Q4, RRL recorded gross revenue of about 83,063 crores and the revenue from operations rose by inflating 7 percent to about 79,595 crores when compared to 74,373 crores from the same time period last year.
18% of the total revenue of the Reliance Retail was constituted of digital commerce and new commerce channels due to the expansion of the company into these modern consumer bases and for the growth of the company.
Reliance Retail Q3 Results
Pre tax profit in the form of statutory operating profit (EBITDA) for the quarter of December was reported to be around Rs 6828 crores which is comparatively higher by Rs 6828 crores by 9.45 percent as compared to the pre tax profit of Rs 6828 crores reported to us.
“Reliance Industries Limited noticed an increase in growth due to improvement in productivity and in customer engagement due to new product launches and promotions around the festive season,” the company informed in an earlier earnings statement. During the quarter, Reliance Retail opened an additional 779 stores, increasing the total to 19,102 stores, and occupying 77.4 million sq ft. space under operation. Mukesh Ambani On the Performance of Reliance Retail. RIL Remarks on his earnings Mukesh Ambani said, “The retail segment delivered a strong performance, with noteworthy contributions from all formats… The business superiorly capitalized on the consumption surge that occurred during the festive season. “With better comprehension of customer characteristics, behavior, needs, and wants, it's possible for Reliance Retail to deal to many demographic characteristics at any given time, place and mode. Focused on customers, the business is always seeking to improve the customer experience by innovating through its extensive network and ever-growing range of products.” Isha M Ambani On Q3 Results Isha M Ambani“My fractured interests together are what makes me a whole.”Isha M Ambani On the Results of Q3 comment In relation to festive purchases across both active and passive consumption baskets, Isha M Ambani commented that the business performed well for the quarter under review.
"The dedication to providing a large assortment of items at an enticing price-value offering is still attracting more consumers to their physical and online stores.” As she explained, “These together provide a frictionless shopping experience to meet a multitude of consumer needs across the segments which we are building through JioMart – express delivery, scheduled delivery services and Milkbasket – subscription services.”
Apart From the Festival Season, Reliance Retail Performance
Additionally, the number of visitors to Reliance’s Physical Stores increased during the quarter, with estimates putting that number at almost 296 million, a 5% increase. According to the company, “registered customers increased to 338 million which places it among the top retailers in the country and is still gaining considerable traction.”
A 12% rise year on year for their consumer electronics division came during the festive season due to product launches and high sales.
Furthermore, during the quarter , the offline sales of consumer electronics witnessed a robust increase due to festive & wed supply increase in ABV Averaged Bill Value ,conversions and gross growth.
As far as Fashion & Lifestyle is concerned, the apparel & footwear segment showed strong recovery with the introduction of new designs coupled with better customer experience in the shops.
“Focus on growth of new formats like Yousta and Azorte has continued. During the Quarter, sale of these formats reached their highest levels due to high consumer traction acquired with the help of GAP,” it stated.
Digital commerce fashion and lifestyle brand AJIO too performed ‘’steady’’ on account of increase in ABV by 7 percent and gained over 1.9 million new buyers.
‘’The platform grew its product range to 2.2 million products representing a 33 year on year growth, adding over half a million new products during the year,’’ it said.
Their consumer brands kept performing registering growth in all categories and achieved the mark of revenues in excess of Rs 8,000 crore for a nine-month period for FY25.
‘’Campa & Independence brands continued to gain traction across markets,’’ it added further that Campa has become a brand of some standing with over 10 percent market share in sparkling beverage category in select states. “They are together projected to cross Rs 1,000 crore turnover each by the end of FY25,” it stated.