The best offer ever is available on iPhone 15. This flagship iPhone of Apple can be purchased for Rs 30,000 cheaper than the launch price. The Big Saving Days Sale running on e-commerce platform Flipkart has been extended till today i.e. 27 August 11:59 pm. On the last day of the sale, iPhone 15 is being sold at the lowest price. This is a golden opportunity for Apple fans to buy this iPhone.
The price got reduced
According to Flipkart's listing, iPhone 15 is being sold in this sale at a starting price of Rs 49,999. After the launch of iPhone 16, the company had made a huge cut of Rs 10,000 in the price of the iPhone introduced last year. Before this sale, this iPhone was listed at an MRP of Rs 69,999. After this, the phone could be purchased cheaper by applying some bank discounts.
On the last day of the Big Saving Days sale, a flat discount of Rs 10,000 is being given on the purchase of iPhone 15. Apart from this, this iPhone can be purchased for Rs 49,999 by applying bank discount etc. Apart from this, you can bring this iPhone home on EMI of Rs 2,110.
Features of iPhone 15
This Apple iPhone has a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display, which comes with Dynamic Island feature. This iPhone works on A16 Bionic chipset. The phone supports up to 512GB of storage and supports 5G network connectivity. Dual camera setup is available in the back of this phone. It has a 48MP main camera, which supports 2x telephoto optical quality. Apart from this, a 12MP camera will be available in the back of the phone. It has a 12MP camera for selfie and video calling.