Patna. Jan Suraj chief Prashant Kishor has been arrested by Patna police on charges of illegally staging a sit-in at Gandhi Maidan. After a checkup at the hospital, the police took PK to the civil court for appearance. After this it will be seen whether he is sent to judicial custody or not. Today at around 4 am a large number of police reached Gandhi Maidan together and took him into custody near Bapu's statue. From here the police took him to AIIMS. As soon as the police took Prashant Kishor out of the hospital, PK's supporters became furious. The police somehow took PK out of the ambulance and headed towards Naubatpur.
43 people in custody
Patna DM Chandrashekhar Singh has said that 43 people have been detained. 15 vehicles have been seized. Everyone is being verified. Out of 43 people, 30 have been verified. Five of these people are from Patna and some are from different districts. Let us tell you that Prashant Kishore was on a hunger strike at Gandhi Maidan since January 2 demanding cancellation of BPSC exam. Patna Police picked him up from there and took him to AIIMS at around 4 am on Monday. PK's team says that the police forcibly took him in an ambulance. His supporters also protested against this. However, the police say that he has been taken to the hospital due to health reasons. In the video footage, the police can be seen picking him up.
demand for cancellation of exam
Let us tell you that in the joint competitive examination held on 13 December last year, a rumour of question paper leak was spread at Bapu Bhawan Examination Centre in the capital Patna, after which a large number of candidates are demanding cancellation of the entire examination.