In the world of investing, there are few as iconic as Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. His story of achieving windfall profits of up to $5.8 billion from an investment of just $100 stands as one of the biggest milestones. Rakesh was not only dubbed as the “big bull” for nothing. If you are seeking advice from an Indian investor, the likes of Rakesh are definitely the ones to look up to.
Since October 20th, 2022, Lupin Pharmaceutical Company has witnessed growth strategies resulting in a price increase to 423% as opposed to earnings in January of 2022. Rakesh had invested around a whopping $89 but with genuine insight and strategy carefully crafted, they were able to turn into 39654 shares valued at $15.7 million . To top it off, he continues to sell the remaining shares at a ascending rate as the value continues to rise.
Rakesh did not limit himself to just one company, a keen investor knows how to spread his investments and that is what he did! Investing in Tata Motors and turning Rs 5000 into Rs 502236500000 is nothing short of hard work and genuine market insights. It seems that Rakesh’s marriage to Indian investing was with a strong foundation and deep wisdom!
As of 2025, 17th January, Mr Rakesh on the frontline announces and supports investors looking to learn the craft of true investing. From investing in 1995 to sitting on the director's table of India's most esteemed companies, Rakesh enlisted himself dedicating years of performing extensive market research, and studying the goals on a more deep and personal level. Truly providing insight that those who prepare themselves will be rewarded with exceptional returns on their investments Shared on TED.
He did not only conquer the stock market, but also entered the aviation industry by starting Akasa Air, the youngest airline in India. The self made man, Jhunjhunwala is now a familiar name and a story of inspiration in the Indian finance world after he passed away in 2022.
Now, let me share, four rules from his life as well as from the history of his investing style that might change the way you seek to create wealth:
1. Patience: The Silent Multiplier
He desired for the compounding aspect to work for him and there was no compromise anywhere in with the long-term approach. He was not among the many people who needed a quick return, he believed in the process and let his investment mature over a period of many years.
His financial success is a result of a variety of century-long strategies. He has been able to now identify, purchase, and very importantly believe in the perceived potential of many brands before so many other people did. There are some strategies, however, that should never be changed. He never once wavered from the single idea of Titan Company that he invested into and not surprisingly, this idea accumulated into billions over the span of two decades
His logic: “The market rewards patience and conviction, as wicked as it is.” Overnight wealth is not possible; it requires a quiet and persuasive way that deploys innovations over time.
2. Research: The Hidden Engine of Wealth
With excellent research abilities, Jhunjhunwala treated investments as if he was embarking on a scientific quest. He made sure to scrutinize and determine industries and sectors, consumers, and even the market conditions before deciding anything.
His investments in Lupin, a major player in the pharmaceutical industry, is one of the more memorable ones. He made this investment long before the healthcare sector became attractive to most investors, which makes it seem as if he perceived the opportunity well in advance. His extensive research enabled him to pinpoint gaps in the market that no one else noticed.
His takeaway: Success is rarely an accident. Preparation and knowledge alone are already powerful tools in the unpredictability of wealth generation.
3. Courage to Risk: Having the Heart to Go For a Big Winning Bet.
Calculated risks were very crucial for Jhunjhunwala’s success, this was one philosophy he adhered too. He was not shy to make brave decisions but only if the data he is researching and his gut feeling matches but he always had other investment options to fall back on just in case.
Investing in Tata Tea during the time of recession can be said to be one of his first footsteps in achieving career greatness. He made this investment when there a lot of insecurities but he earned considerable returns and subsequent investments were much more successful as a result of this initial investment.
His advice was straight: “Risk yes, but not foolish risk. No risk, no gain. But risk, and you are going to lose everything.”
4. Optimism: The Market is Open for All Who Dare.
His voice never wavered: he remained firm in his view that India’s story is positive and that there is growth in the market. During such time, he would take advantage of the situation and look for undervalued assets.
Brokers used to fear losing their income for entire lifetime after the market crash, but for Jhunjhunwala, this period was worth thriving in. He would buy whatever was low and drive it to the skies.
His View: Always reveal against your fears; remind yourself of bigger picture. Because most of the times volatility provides best opportunities.
Truly Inspiring and Worth Emulating
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s life was not only accumulating wealth but rather building the right attitude. His life is perfect definition of never giving up, being aware, and being positive.
‘Bottom line is money is not a market, and it is not about who is correct,’ he would say. And Decisiveness, preparation, risk and positive approach still encourages me and a million others, showing us that wealth is made by what you believe in not what is accounted for.