From 1 January 2025, i.e. today, the rules related to digital payment, WhatsApp and Amazon Prime have changed. On the new year, RBI has given happiness to the users who make UPI payments. At the same time, WhatsApp has decided to stop its support on some smartphones. In these smartphones, users will neither be able to send nor receive messages through WhatsApp. At the same time, Amazon Prime Video has started device limit like other OTT platforms on the new year. Come, let's know about the new rules changing from today...
UPI 123Pay limit increased
The Reserve Bank of India has decided to increase the limit of UPI 123Pay service launched for feature phone users. Earlier, users could transfer a maximum of Rs 5,000 at a time through this. From January 1, 2025, this limit has now been increased to Rs 10,000. The daily limit for smartphone users is currently only Rs 1 lakh. However, users have been given a limit of up to Rs 5 lakh for making UPI payments for many essential facilities including hospital bills.
WhatsApp will not work on these smartphones
Support for the world's most popular instant messaging platform WhatsApp has been discontinued on some old Android smartphones. WhatsApp will not work on smartphones running on Android KitKat from today i.e. January 1, 2025. Meta had given this information through its blog a few months ago. This mobile operating system of Google was launched about 10 years ago.
Due to security issues in the old operating system, WhatsApp has decided to stop supporting it. Users will now need a new mobile device to use WhatsApp. However, very few people use smartphones from Samsung, Motorola, HTC, LG and Sony that run on this operating system.
Rules related to Amazon Prime
The device limit for Amazon Prime Video OTT has been reduced from today i.e. January 1, 2025. Users will be able to access Amazon Prime Video on a maximum of two TVs simultaneously. Users will have to take a separate membership to access Prime Video on more than two TVs. However, the company has not yet shared information about the limit for mobile devices.