There was a scuffle between BJP and Congress MPs in the Parliament House on Thursday. BJP alleged that Rahul Gandhi pushed BJP MPs. In this incident, two BJP MPs Pratap Sarangi and Ajit Singh were injured and had to be hospitalized. Regarding this incident, BJP's women MPs also alleged that Rahul Gandhi pushed them. In fact, Rajya Sabha member from Nagaland Phanganon Konyak alleged that when she was protesting with other MPs near the Makar Dwar of Parliament, Rahul Gandhi came near her and started shouting.
Women's commission took suo motu cognizance
The National Commission for Women has taken suo motu cognizance of the matter. The National Commission for Women on Friday asked the officials to take action in the matter of allegations leveled by a woman MP against Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi and said that such incidents set a dangerous precedent. Members of the ruling and opposition parties came face to face on Thursday while protesting in the Parliament premises on the issue of 'insult' to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar and there was alleged pushing and shoving. Rajya Sabha member from Nagaland Phanganon Konyak alleged that when she was protesting with other MPs near the Makar Dwar of Parliament, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi came near her and started shouting at her.
Women's Commission posted on X
"The National Commission for Women expresses concern over the recent incident in Parliament where a woman MP felt unsafe. Every place, including our democratic institutions, should be a place of safety and respect for women. These incidents set a dangerous precedent," the women's commission posted on 'X'. "We urge the authorities to take action in this matter," it said. The Congress rejected the Nagaland MP's allegations, saying it was an attempt to divert attention from Home Minister Amit Shah's "insult" to Ambedkar. It said its women MPs were manhandled by BJP members.