New Delhi: Former NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede has once again said something that has brought him into the limelight. In an interview, Sameer Wankhede has spoken openly about Shah Rukh Khan, his son Aryan Khan and the chat leak. Actually, in the year 2021, superstar Shah Rukh's son Aryan Khan was arrested in a drugs case and he was arrested by Sameer Wankhede, due to which Wankhede's name was in the headlines at that time.
Deliberately targeted
Aryan had to stay in jail for about 25 days in the drugs case but later he got bail. Many allegations were also made against Sameer Wankhede, who led this operation, just like he deliberately targets celebs, he has also deliberately targeted Aryan. Even his chat with Shahrukh Khan was leaked, in which it was said that Wankhede had demanded a bribe of 25 crores.
'I am not that weak'- Wankhede
On all these things, Sameer Wankhede said that 'Whatever has been said is completely wrong. I am not so coward or weak that I would leak the chat like this.'
"I would tell him to try harder"
When asked if all this was done so that Shah Rukh and Aryan look like victims, Wankhede said, “Those who are talking about the chat leak, I would tell them to try harder.”
Aryan Khan is not a child- Wankhede
Those who are saying that 'I took 25 crores to release Aryan, let me tell them that I did not release him but caught him and he is not a child. 23-year-old Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life for the country at this age, no one calls him a child, so how can Aryan Khan be a child, he is not a child.'
where have you worked
Let us tell you that Sameer Wankhede, born on 14 December 1979, is an Indian Revenue Service officer of the year 2008 batch, he worked as the Zonal Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). Before joining the NCB, Wankhede had worked with the National Investigation Agency and Air Intelligence Unit.
17,000 kg of narcotics seized
Sameer Wankhede graduated in law from Mumbai University after completing his BA from Ramnarain Ruia College in 2001. He comes from the Mahar (Dalit) community. He has seized 17,000 kg of narcotics and 165 kg of gold during his 15-year career. He has worked in various positions in law enforcement agencies related to drug enforcement.