On 30th Of January, Delhi High Court ruled against the challenge posed against results CAT for admission in IIMs or other business institutes. The court said that there was no basis for interference.
This action was taken with regard to Aditya Kumar Mallick, one of the test takers, who stated that the answer key contained an unexplained mistake that affected his score. (Representative Photo)
Tara Vitasta Ganju, who read the judgement, explained: “In view of the above, we find CAT or all its rounds to add any value to the interpretation test because it lacks the basic requirement for the test to begin with – the setting of an error limit. The petition is accordingly dismissed.”
The court passed the order in reaction to the plea submitted by Mallick Aditya Kumar, one of the candidates of the exam purportedly asserting that there was a mistake in the answer key which led to the unfavourable outcome. He further went on to state that there was an objection lodged against the provisional answer key which came out on 03 December, however the final answer key was issued as is and the results were published by IIM Calcutta on 19 December – “the result was anticipated in the second week of January 2025 and given the circumstances the result were published in great rush.”, the plea further added.
According to Mallick’s plea, the objection he raised was co provided by experts and faculties from several CAT Tutorials.
It had been argued by the senior advocate Arvind Nayyar who was representing IIM Calcutta that as the objections have already been raised they have already been conclusively evaluated by the expert committ.
When the case was being presented on January 3, Justice Tara remarked tha there should be an administrative blunder in a competitive exam to warrant a law suit. She further stated that only in special circumstances can the court get involved in such affairs.