New Delhi. After the corona pandemic which has created havoc all over the world, a virus named HMPV has created havoc in China. The first case of this virus has also been reported in India. HMPV virus has been confirmed in an 8-month-old girl in a hospital in Bangalore. The virus was detected in the lab of a private hospital. It is known that HMPV spreads mostly in children. The strain of the virus is not known yet.
Lack of beds in China
Many kinds of claims are being made on social media about the Human Metapneumovirus Respiratory Disease that came to China after 5 years. If reports are to be believed, this disease has wreaked havoc in China in such a way that even beds are not available in the hospital. To deal with this virus, Chinese health officials have implemented some protocols but have not declared any emergency. However, the world is scared of this because China had shown similar laxity in the beginning of Covid.
How does this disease spread?
The HMPV virus spreads through contact with an infected person, coughing and sneezing. Also, if you shake hands with an infected person or touch an infected object, then also this virus can affect you. Its symptoms appear 3 to 4 days after getting infected. The most common symptoms of this virus are cough and fever. There is also a risk of pneumonia and bronchitis due to this. Rashes can occur on the body.