New Delhi. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee on Thursday made a big allegation against BSF. She claimed that Border Security Force (BSF) is helping Bangladeshis infiltrate. Due to this, unrest is spreading in Bengal. The central government is doing this as part of its agenda. If BSF continues to promote such activities, then Trinamool Congress will protest against them.
atrocities against women
Mamata said that we have informed the central government about this many times. Whatever decision is taken by the center, we will accept it. We will also send a protest letter to the center regarding this. Banerjee said in her statement that the job of BSF is to stop illegal infiltration but they are allowing Bangladeshis to enter India from Islampur, Sitai and Chopra border. BSF is also torturing women. These people will allow infiltrators to enter Bengal and blame TMC.
May peace prevail
Mamata said that we want peace to prevail there as well as here. This (infiltration) is a very internal work of BSF, the central government also has a blue print in this, if the central government did not have a blue print, this would not have happened. Let us tell you that Union Minister Giriraj Singh accused Mamata and said that West Bengal has become a nursery for Bangladeshi infiltrators.