New Delhi: On Thursday, there was a huge uproar in the Parliament on the Ambedkar issue. The uproar increased so much that BJP and Congress MPs clashed with each other. Due to the jostling, BJP MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi got injured. Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi was accused of pushing BJP MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi and making him fall. However, Rahul clarified that we were prevented from going inside and there was jostling.
Rahul gave clarification
Rahul Gandhi clarified that we were going inside the Parliament from Makar Dwar. BJP people were standing there and were stopping us from going inside. There was a scuffle on the spot and people fell. These people are attacking the Constitution and insulting Ambedkar. The main issue is that they are attacking the Constitution. Rahul has accused BJP MPs of stopping him at the entry gate. Rahul says that those people were pushing and threatening me. We were standing on the stairs. Rahul says that everything has been captured on camera. Kharge ji was also pushed. However, nothing happened to us due to the scuffle. BJP MPs cannot stop us from entering the Parliament.
'I was hurt because of Rahul's push'
BJP MP Pratap Chandra Sarangi alleged that Rahul Gandhi pushed an MP and that MP fell on me, due to which I got a head injury. Sarangi has been taken to the hospital. BJP leaders have come to meet him and inquire about his well-being.
#WATCH | Lok Sabha LoP Rahul Gandhi says, “This might be on your camera. I was trying to go inside through the Parliament entrance, BJP MPs were trying to stop me, push me and threaten me. So this happened…Yes, this has happened (Mallikarjun Kharge being pushed). But we do not…
— ANI (@ANI) December 19, 2024
India Block MPs are taking out a march
India Block MPs are taking out a protest march in Parliament today. On Thursday, India Block leaders reached Parliament to take out a march. These people were taking out a protest march from Ambedkar's statue to Makar Dwar. Actually, two days ago in the Rajya Sabha, Union Home Minister Amit Shah had made a statement about BR Ambedkar, after which the opposition attacked the BJP and accused it of insulting Ambedkar.