Bollywood's Bhaijaan has turned 59 today. Salman Khan celebrated his 59th birthday in a very grand manner. His close ones left no stone unturned to make this day more special for him. A mid-night celebration was held among family members and close friends, which was organized by his beloved sister Arpita Khan. Both the brothers, sisters and children of the actor's family looked very excited. The celebration took place with great pomp with cake cutting. During this, the birthday of another special person was celebrated. This is none other than the girl seen in Salman's lap. Yes, Salman's beloved also celebrates her birthday with him. Now let us tell you who this girl is and what is her special relationship with Salman.
Salman celebrates his birthday with this family member
In the video that has surfaced, you can see that there are many cakes placed on the table in front of Salman Khan. After he cuts the cake, a little girl is also cutting the cake and feeding everyone with her hands. This girl seen in a navy blue floral frock is none other than Salman Khan's niece Ayat Khan. This girl is the daughter of Salman Khan's younger sister Arpita Khan and Aayush Sharma. Ayat and Salman Khan's birthdays fall on the same day, so both of them celebrate their birthdays together every year. Ayat is also her uncle's favorite daughter. Salman spends a lot of his time with Ayat. Often his videos with Ayat go viral. Ayat is also the youngest member of the Khan family.
Watch the video here
Congratulations to both of them
This video has been shared by singer and music composer Sajid Khan. He is a close friend of Salman Khan and attended the birthday celebration. While showing glimpses of the party, he also wrote a loving caption for Salman Khan and Ayat, 'Happy Birthday Big Brother Salman Khan and our little angel Ayat. May everyone's blessings be with you. Love will always be there for you brother.' Apart from this, Salman Khan's close friend Yulia Vantur has also shared a cute picture in which Salman is seen holding baby Ayat in his lap and Ayat is playing with his bracelet. While posting this picture, she wrote, 'Happy Birthday to both the lovely people Ayat and Salman. May God give you both the best gifts.