Lucknow: A shocking case has come to light from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, where two girls have decided to get married. These two met on the social media platform Instagram about one and a half years ago and their friendship turned into love. After this, both of them left their villages and started living together in Mamura village of Noida on the pretext of working in a private company.
The family protested
One of these girls is from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, while the other is from Saharanpur. The friendship that started on social media gradually turned into love. To take their relationship forward, they decided to live together in Noida. However, when both of them came to know about this relationship, they strongly opposed it. Their families asked them to leave their jobs and return home, but both the girls refused.
Request for help from police
When the brother of the girl from Jabalpur came to Noida to take her back, both the girls panicked and reached the police station. There they told the police that they wanted to marry each other and requested the police to get them married. The police tried to convince both of them, but they remained adamant on their stand. The police called the girls' family members and tried to convince them. When the family members came to take them back, the girls flatly refused to go with them. They said that if they went with the family, they would be separated.
In this case, the police assured both the girls of their safety. Officials said that the law will be followed in such cases and if they are adults, their wishes will be respected. Such cases have come to light before as well, where people of the same sex have expressed their wish to get married.