
New Delhi. BJP candidate from Kalkaji seat Ramesh Bidhuri's tongue has slipped once again. He has once again created a big controversy with his statement. He has made an indecent comment about Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi. Ramesh Bidhuri is heard saying in a video, "Lalu had said that he will make the roads of Bihar like Hema Malini's cheeks, but he could not do so. Lalu lied. But I assure you that just like the roads of Okhla and Sangam Vihar have been built, in the same way the roads adjacent to and inside the Kalkaji Sudhar Camp will definitely be made like Priyanka Gandhi's cheeks." Congress has strongly objected to this.

BJP has a low mentality – Congress

Congress leader Pawan Khera said on Ramesh Bidhuri's indecent comment, "This rudeness not only reflects the mentality of this vile man, but it is the reality of his masters." On the other hand, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinet termed BJP as an anti-women party and said, "BJP is extremely anti-women. Ramesh Bidhuri's statement in reference to Priyanka Gandhi is not only shameful but also reflects his disgusting mentality towards women. But what else can be expected from a person who abused his fellow MP in the House and did not get any punishment?"

BJP is extremely anti-women

Ramesh Bidhuri's statement regarding Priyanka Gandhi is not only shameful but also shows his disgusting mentality about women

But what else can be expected from a man who abused his fellow MP in the House and did not receive any punishment?…

— Supriya Shrinate (@SupriyaShrinate) January 5, 2025

Supriya Shrinet said, "This is the real face of BJP. Will the women leaders of BJP, Women Development Minister, Nadda ji or the Prime Minister himself say anything about this disgusting language and thinking? Actually, the father of this anti-women disgusting language and thinking is Modi ji himself - who uses words like Mangalsutra and Mujra, so what else will his people say? He should apologize for this disgusting thinking."
