Lucknow : Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath fiercely attacked the opposition on the first and second day of the winter session of the Assembly. During this, he targeted the opposition, especially the leaders of the Samajwadi Party (SP), referring to the by-elections held on November 24. The CM mentioned Kundarki, Sisamau and Karhal seats, out of which Kundarki was won by the BJP, while Karhal and Sisamau were won by the SP.
The CM also pointed out that the margin that was there in Karhal and Sisamau in the 2022 assembly elections has reduced in the by-elections. He said, “When your real face was revealed, the public gave an answer to the SP. In 2022, the SP was ahead by 67-70 thousand votes in Karhal, but this time the margin was reduced to just 13-14 thousand. Even in Sisamau, the SP could barely win.”
The condition of the opposition will be miserable
On the second day too, the CM mentioned Kundarki and said that the condition of the opposition will be the same as it was in Kundarki. He urged the opposition to adopt positive politics and work for the benefit of the people of their area. The CM made it clear that the government will not promote negative politics and will not allow anyone to play with the future of the youth.
SP is silent on this
The CM's focus is on the fact that Kundarki seat was Muslim-dominated and the BJP believes that their victory was due to division of votes of Muslim voters here. BJP leaders say that Turks voted for BJP and the message of "Batenge toh Katenge" was successful in uniting the voters. Apart from this, the government and BJP are being accused of taking policies and decisions in a particular direction. In such a situation, CM Yogi is constantly citing the results of the by-election to dismiss these allegations.
SP is silent on this, but when the CM commented on SP's Karhal and Sisamau, SP leader Shivpal Yadav replied, "See next time." Now it will be interesting to see how SP reacts to this, because earlier also it has alleged that BJP has won the by-elections on the strength of administration and police.